We need objective measures of model performance for two reasons:
Since we might wish to compare very different models (Cox PH and Survival Trees), we need metrics which are general. Since we may need to choose between many values of the tuning parameters, we need methods which are fast.
More generally one can choose a loss function and evaluate model by computing expected loss (risk).
Consider the following procedure:
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Loading required package: foreach
## Loaded glmnet 2.0-16
## simulate data
n <- 200
p <- 200
x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),ncol=p)
## 10 nonzero predictors
beta <- matrix(c(rep(1,10),rep(0,p-10)),ncol=1)
y <- as.vector(x%*%beta + rnorm(n))
fit <- glmnet(x,y)
## [1] 90
## [1] 1.0915623 0.9945909 0.9062342 0.8257268 0.7523715 0.6855329
## predict responses at every lambda
out <- predict(fit,newx=x)
## [1] 200 90
mse <- colMeans((out - y)^2)
## create new data from same model (same beta)
## and evaluate performance
xnew <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),ncol=p)
ynew <- as.vector(xnew%*%beta + rnorm(n))
out <- predict(fit,newx=xnew)
msenew <- colMeans((out - ynew)^2)
lwd=2,xlab="log(Lambda)",ylab="Mean Squared Error",type='l',xaxs='i')
legend("topleft",c("Training Error","Test Error"),col=1:2,lty=1,lwd=2)
In cross validation the model coefficient are estimated using K-1 parts of the data and then the model is assessed on the left-out-part. The model left out part is rotated so a total of \(K\) models are fit, for each value of the tuning parameter. The results are averaged across the \(K\) model fits and the tuning parameter with the best performance is chosen.
Image Source: https://blog.contactsunny.com/data-science/different-types-of-validations-in-machine-learning-cross-validation
## type.measure argument controls loss function
## used in cross validation, by default deviance which
## is mean squared error for linear model
fit <- cv.glmnet(x,y)
The best \(\lambda\) could be the one that minimizes the loss. Alternatively, one may prefer larger \(\lambda\) because these will result in simplier models. One common heuristic is to use the largest value of \(\lambda\) such that error is within 1 standard error of the minimum.
## smaller lambda, less regularized model
## [1] 0.08067433
## larger lambda, more regularized model
## [1] 0.1409807
We can then make predictions as whatever \(\lambda\) we choose on the new data
co <- coef(fit,s="lambda.min")[,1]
## (Intercept) V1 V2 V3 V4
## 0.090696839 0.891696353 0.867475732 0.642077880 0.894187744
## V5 V6 V7 V8 V9
## 0.775660347 0.790438370 1.011599583 0.914656913 0.829438643
## V10 V12 V18 V21 V23
## 0.987413569 0.050442878 -0.007367044 -0.054472698 -0.008028036
## V31 V36 V43 V47 V53
## -0.073157852 0.011927470 0.039444106 -0.028428816 0.007067304
## V54 V58 V59 V60 V63
## -0.019844852 -0.084101031 -0.018005176 0.048594519 -0.037940066
## V64 V65 V75 V77 V79
## 0.011299910 -0.051896826 0.009095553 -0.093304281 -0.021098696
## V87 V97 V98 V111 V112
## 0.059935405 0.063929557 0.031123124 0.028977200 -0.056881374
## V129 V130 V134 V144 V146
## -0.174727808 -0.059791292 -0.032612072 -0.006126300 -0.051495808
## V151 V153 V154 V156 V161
## -0.002727842 -0.048631467 -0.004557928 -0.026063554 0.015530244
## V164 V170 V174 V175 V179
## -0.003120284 -0.007678634 -0.042784911 0.007693365 -0.086917426
## V184 V186 V194 V198 V199
## -0.110030409 0.030282243 -0.068976037 -0.016428873 -0.007936008
yhat <- predict(fit,newx=xnew,s="lambda.min")[,1]
## [1] 1.345198
We cannot use mean squared error for assessing model performance because:
We discuss three alternative strategies now.
An alternative strategy is to compute the mean of the likelihood on the left-out-set. This works for most models but fails for the Cox PH due to the semi-parametric nature of the problem.
The paper (Houwelingen et al. 2006) proposed assessing the goodness of fit for a particular \(\lambda\) using
\[ \widehat{CV}_{i}(\lambda) = LL(\widehat{\beta}_{-i}(\lambda)) - LL_{-i}(\widehat{\beta}_{-i}(\lambda)) \] where \(\widehat{\beta}_{-i}(\lambda)\) is the parameter estimate leaving out part \(i\) of the data and \(LL_{-i}\) is the log likelihood leaving out part \(i\) of the data.
The glmnet
function assesses model performance using this metric. See (Simon et al. 2011) and (Houwelingen et al. 2006) for details.
After tuning the model, we need to assess its performance at the chosen value of the tuning parameters. Again, making this assessment on the data used to choose the tuning parameters leads to optimistic assessments. One strategy is to split the data into a training and test (or validation set). The cross validation is done on the training set while the final model performance is measured on the validation set.
One could again assess model performance using deviance like statistics on the validation set. An alternative approach is to do the following, suggested in (Witten and Tibshirani 2010):
The p-value provides a measure of how well the model is stratifying risk sets.
Let \(\widehat{\beta}\) be a set of estimated predictors and \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) a pair of death times with associated predictors \(Z_1\) and \(Z_2\). The Concordance Index measure the level of agreement between the predicted risk and the order of the death times. For observation 1, the risk of death is proportional to \(\widehat{\beta}^TZ_1\) and for observation 2 the risk of death is proportional to \(\widehat{\beta}^T Z_2\). The \(C\) index is defined as
\[ C(\widehat{\beta}) = P(\widehat{\beta}^TZ_1 > \widehat{\beta}^T Z_2 | T_1 < T_2) \] \(C=1/2\) for a useless model and \(1\) for a perfect model (with most data sets, not acheivable).
Since we do not always observe death times, we must estimate the concordance using the censored data. The package survC1
with methodology developed in (Uno et al. 2011) has consistent estimators for concordance with censored data.
## [1] "beta" "co" "dat" "fit" "mse" "msenew" "n"
## [8] "out" "p" "rna" "snv" "x" "xnew" "y"
## [15] "yhat" "ynew"
## [1] 378 20531
## [1] 378 44
## [1] 378 61
## event_time (death or censoring time) and obs_death (censoring variable)
## are of most interest
## [1] "days_to_hiv_diagnosis" "ajcc_clinical_stage" "days_to_new_event"
## [4] "hiv_positive" "event_time" "obs_death"
## to keep things fast, we only use N rna expressions
##N <- 1000
##rna <- rna[,1:N]
rna <- rna[,colSums(rna)!=0]
## two individuals have censoring at time 0, remove
ix <- dat$event_time!=0
## [1] 2
dat <- dat[ix,]
rna <- rna[ix,]
snv <- snv[ix,]
## transform rna to log scale, add 1 to avoid NAs
rna <- log10(rna + 1)
x <- cbind(rna,snv)
y <- Surv(dat$event_time,dat$obs_death)
set.seed(02042019) ## for reproducibility
ix <- sample(1:nrow(x),size=floor(nrow(x)/2))
y_tr <- y[ix]
x_tr <- x[ix,]
y_te <- y[-ix]
x_te <- x[-ix,]
cvfit_tr <- cv.glmnet(x_tr,y_tr,family="cox")
co_mat <- as.matrix(coef(cvfit_tr,s="lambda.min"))
## ADAMTS14|140766 ANKRD56|345079 C12orf32|83695 C6orf118|168090
## 0.068916370 -0.027531687 0.377424912 0.198601589
## CKAP4|10970 FBXL16|146330 KCND1|3750 MX2|4600
## 0.260782142 -0.002000004 0.205697745 0.096913992
## OR13A1|79290 PODNL1|79883 RILPL1|353116 SORBS2|8470
## 0.433605372 0.020435948 0.599582159 -0.014124994
## WIT1|51352
## 0.077508913
## get predictions x^Tbeta
preds <- predict(cvfit_tr,x_te,s="lambda.min")
## split into low, medium, high risk groups
levs <- cut_number(preds,3)
fit <- survfit(y_te~levs)
out <- survdiff(y_te~levs)
## Call:
## survdiff(formula = y_te ~ levs)
## N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
## levs=[3.29,4.01] 63 12 16.9 1.44 2.19
## levs=(4.01,4.27] 62 11 18.4 3.01 4.78
## levs=(4.27,5.41] 63 27 14.6 10.51 15.03
## Chisq= 15.1 on 2 degrees of freedom, p= 5e-04
p.val <- 1 - pchisq(out$chisq, length(out$n) - 1)
## [1] 0.0005165814
autoplot(fit,xlab="Survival Time (days)",ylab="Survival",
main=paste0("p-value: ",round(p.val,6)))
Compute C-index on test set using methodology described in (Uno et al. 2011):
mydata <- data.frame(as.matrix(y_te),preds)
out <- Est.Cval(mydata, 2000, nofit=TRUE)
cind <- out$Dhat
## [1] 0.6561115
Are we doing better than random chance? We can empirically compute the null C-index distribution by generating linear predictors from normal distribution and comparing observed C-index to null distribution.
N <- 1000
chats <- rep(0,N)
mydatasim <- mydata
for(ii in 1:N){
mydatasim[,3] <- rnorm(n=nrow(mydatasim))
out <- Est.Cval(mydatasim,2000,nofit=TRUE)
chats[ii] <- out$Dhat
## [1] 0
fit. The current dimensionality (\(p \approx 50n\)) is straining what glmnet
can handle.coxph
on variables identified as non-zero by glmnet
.Houwelingen, Hans C van, Tako Bruinsma, Augustinus AM Hart, Laura J van’t Veer, and Lodewyk FA Wessels. 2006. “Cross-Validated Cox Regression on Microarray Gene Expression Data.” Statistics in Medicine 25 (18). Wiley Online Library: 3201–16.
Simon, Noah, Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie, and Rob Tibshirani. 2011. “Regularization Paths for Cox’s Proportional Hazards Model via Coordinate Descent.” Journal of Statistical Software 39 (5). NIH Public Access: 1.
Uno, Hajime, Tianxi Cai, Michael J Pencina, Ralph B D’Agostino, and LJ Wei. 2011. “On the c-Statistics for Evaluating Overall Adequacy of Risk Prediction Procedures with Censored Survival Data.” Statistics in Medicine 30 (10). Wiley Online Library: 1105–17.
Witten, Daniela M, and Robert Tibshirani. 2010. “Survival Analysis with High-Dimensional Covariates.” Statistical Methods in Medical Research 19 (1). SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England: 29–51.